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Our Company 

our approach and tools

We use a creative, out-of-the-box approach to providing support people as they age.


We use this approach combined with tried and true tools, principles, methods and frameworks used to meet the needs of the aging population including:


Social Prescribing 









Granddaughter admiring grandmother

our clients

Creative Aging clients are older adults, members of the older adult’s family including spouses, adult children, grandchildren or friends, neighbours, private caregivers or other interested or supportive individuals.


Our clients are also businesses, organizations and employers with aging and caregiving clients, customers and employees.

Storytime with Grandpa

​​our culture & core values 

Fun, humour and playfulness

Diversity and inclusion 

Respect, compassion and empathy

Dignity, purpose and meaningful connections 

Creativity and open mindedness

Collaboration and partnerships

our mission & goals

To keep older adults happy, healthy and thriving throughout their aging journey by providing a suite of unique Gerontology-based services designed to help:


  • ​Those who care for and support older adults and those managing their own aging issues; and 

  • Organizations and businesses meet the needs of their aging clients, customers and employees.

Caregiver with senior in a wheelchair

our philosophy on aging

Our services are designed with the philosophy that our clients all age differently along various stages of their own unique aging journey.


We respect and acknowledge the diversity of our clients who differ in demographics, physical and cognitive abilities, health conditions, life experiences, personal characteristics, values, beliefs, opinions, goals, hopes and dreams.


We believe in giving older adults meaning, purpose, fun and laughter in their lives, no matter what their current abilities are or what stage they are in their aging journey.

Women Laughing on Beach
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